Blind Constant Movement
SUNDAY 7 JULY 2019 11.00-12.30
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Maximum Participants: 20
Een dans/bewegingsworkshop gebaseerd op improvisatie en geschikt voor mensen met een visuele beperking en andere dansers die geblinddoekt dansen willen verkennen.
We verkenningen drie verschillende aspecten:
1. lichaamsbeweging,
2. saamhorigheid, verbondenheid en beweging met anderen
3. beweging in de buitenruimte, horen, aanraken en genieten van de ruimte.
In de korte tijd die we hebben zullen we ons zelfbewustzijn vergroten en zullen we onze beweging en verbeelding door gesloten ogen vergroten.
We onderzoeken ook de saamhorigheid, het aanraken, het veilig bewegen en in de ruimte zijn. Door dit deel leren we angst en verwarring om te zetten in acceptatie, bevrijding, vertrouwen, vreugde en leren we niet te snel te oordelen en diepe verbindingen met anderen te creëren.
In het laatste deel gaan we de ruimte verkennen, ons gehoor openen, onze zintuigen reuk en aanraking onderzoeken, en de ruimte op verschillende manieren zien en van genieten.
De workshop zal buiten plaats vinden, in de tuin van de BSO. Bij slecht weer zullen we naar binnen in de studio verplaatsen.
This is a dance/movement workshop based on improvisation tasks and suitable for people with visual impairment and other dancers/movers that want to explore dancing blindfolded.
We will have short explorations on three different aspects:
1. body movement,
2. togetherness, connecting and moving with the others and
3. movement in the outside space, hearing, touching and enjoying the space.
In the short time we will have we will enhance our self-awareness and we will expand our movement and imagination through closed eyes.
We will also explore the togetherness, touch, safe travelling into the space together with safe being. Through this part we learn to transform fear and confusion into acceptance, liberation, trust, joy, no judgment and deep connections with others.
In the last part we are going to explore the space, open our hearing, smelling and touching senses and see and enjoy the space through different ways.
It will happen outdoors, in the garden of BSO. In case the weather doesn’t allow us, we will transfer it inside the studio.
Vicky Angelidou (GR) is a dancer, choreographer and dance educator, based in between Netherlands and Greece, promoting with a full heart the love for learning and creating through movement. She holds Bachelor degree in Psychology and Dance and she holds an MA in "Performing Public Space". She is researching movement and performance that is connected with social issues and that happens in unconventional places. She teaches contemporary dance technique and improvisation and educates dancers through intensive workshops.
She has an 8 years teaching experience in contemporary dance and she keeps on training herself mainly in the Flying Low and Passing Through technique with David Zambrano, and she attended the EXIN one month intensive in Corfu, Greece and the PTO one month intensive in Catania, Italy. She is also influenced by the work of Depth Movement (Edivaldo Ernesto), by Gaga (Ohad Naharin), and several other compositional practices that through the years shaped her way of moving and thinking.
Through an artistic research she created the interactive performance Move the Public Space (2017-18) that was presented in public spaces in Greece, Belgium and Netherlands. She co-created the performance Hear me to See you with the composer Xavier Geerman that was presented in Mariengaarde and Ateliers (Tilburg, 2018). She choreographed Crush (2017) that was presented in Die Wolke Theater (Thessaloniki), 2nd Diko mou Festival Xorou and in PK Theater (Athens), the performance Flex (2016) that was presented in 1st Diko mou Festival Xorou, in 15th Hellenic Festival of Choreographers and in the Kefallinias Theater (Athens), the video dance SKOURIES (2015) presented in 5th Athens Video Dance Project (Athens) and Dimitria Festival (Thessaloniki).
She danced a Passing Through improvisation together with 34 dancers in the Contemporary Theater (Athens, 2015) and together with 69 dancers in the Municipality Theater of Corfu (2018). She collaborated with 7 dancers creating a residency in Bratislava and dancing a Passing through improvisation 11 ways to make soup (Studio 12, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2018). She choreographed the Video Dance Chromosoma (8th Athens Video Dance Project, 2019) collaborating with Sonia Kehagia.